
Growth through innovation

We develop and implement solutions for retail chains, providing data and analytical tools for chain growth


Our products


GM Assistant

Track key metrics of your environment by different social groups and their consumption


GM Assistant PRO

Automation of scenario analysis for enterprise development


How AI speed up your business?Benefits for your business

In today's market, a detailed assessment of consumer needs and opportunities is a key stage in the growth of store turnover. Geo-exploration helps stores to be modern and profitable.

Geoanalysis to increase the average check

Detailed and qualitative data on the structure of demand makes it possible to formulate a strategy for expanding into new product categories, which in turn increases the average store check. Qualitative geo-analysis allows us to identify key growth points for the store.


Геоаналіз для збільшення середнього чеку

Детальні та якісні дані про структуру попиту дають можливість формувати стратегію розширення в нові товарні категорії, що своєю чергою збільшує середній чек магазину. Якісний геоаналіз дозволяє визначити ключові точки росту магазину.


Store insurance against changes in the environment

Changes in customer preferences lead to inevitable changes in the supply of goods, which must be timely and relevant to the customer. In addition, the product must be available in sufficient quantities.

GM software provides ready-made solutions for your business

GM's solutions are indicators for tracking consumer needs using geosocial modeling.


GM software дає готові рішення для Вашого бізнесу!

Рішення GM - це індикатори для відстежування потреб споживачів, використовуючи геосоціальне моделювання.

Advantages of working with us


All in one place

Forecasts for the enterprise are analyzed in global environment models


Deep AI analytics

We allow you to choose the key business indicators to monitor for your company


Flexible integrations

All the results of our calculations are formatted into dashboards

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