
About the company

The GrossMeister team is engaged in the creation of ready-made software solutions and tools for analyzing the key growth points of our clients


Mission and values

Our mission is to create unique products that enable our clients' rapid growth. We strive to ensure that each of our products provides the most relevant information for the user.
Our values● Customer focus: Meeting our customers' needs and exceeding their expectations is our priority.● Innovation: We are constantly looking for new and creative ways of doing business to provide our customers with the best possible experience.● Responsibility: We are committed to sustainable development and positive impact on the clients we work with.

GrossMeister's information infrastructure

To calculate indices and indicators, we use various types of data, from official resources and regional and local statistics to consumer data with their quantitative and qualitative metrics.


Інформаційна інфраструктура GrossMeister

Для розрахунку індексів і показників ми використовуємо різні типи даних від офіційних ресурсів та регіональної і місцевої статистики до даних про споживачів з їх кількісними та якісними метриками.


Product development

GrossMeister products are the result of the work of various teams to create an effective solution for our customers. Our product development processes always include a detailed insight into key business processes and analysis of automation opportunities.